sims.get_sim_id_by_name 显示某个模拟市民的Id,搭配其他命令来用money # 加钱(#为数字)sims.modify_funds # 增加或减去金钱(负值为减)sims.hard_reset 强行重置小人autonomy.show_queue 没用的东西。。。aspirations.complete_current_milestone 直接完成当前抱负debug.enable_woohoo [true|false] 个人猜测是可以...
sims.add_buff buff_Role_ServiceNPC_Maid让你的小人变成女佣(他们平时会做你吩咐的事,你没在管他们的时候他们就会自动的打扫家中) sims.remove_buff buff_Role_ServiceNPC_Maid关闭让你的小人变成女佣(他们平时会做你吩咐的事,你没在管他们的时候他们就会自动的打扫家中) 设定孕产期 sims.add_buff Pregnancy_Tri...
sims.get_sim_id_by_name 显示某个模拟市民的Id,搭配其他命令来用 money # 加钱(#为数字) sims.modify_funds # 增加或减去金钱(负值为减) sims.hard_reset 强行重置小人 autonomy.show_queue 没用的东西。。。 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 直接完成当前抱负 debug.enable_woohoo [true|false] 个人...
💗sims4 mod constructor(v4) The Sims 4 Mod Constructor is a downloadable program that allows users to easily create mods for The Sims 4 in a user-friendly environment, including traits, aspirations, social events, lot traits, holiday traditions and more! 翻译一下就是可以做职业mod、特征mod等...
Sims 4 only has five canonical occult races that you can access in Create A Sim: vampire, alien, werewolf, spellcaster, and mermaid. To get to eight, I expanded it a bit, adding a PlantSim, a ghost (a regular Sim killed, brought back to life, and added to the family), and a med...
testingCheats true 大秘籍开启,开启后需按住 shift键 sims.modify_funds 5000000 一次性增加金钱五百万 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 直接完成当前抱负(可增加终生幸福点数) 解 85348 sim4吧 邪月兒 【SIM4】游戏秘籍大全一览表游戏中按 [Ctrl] + X 或 [Shift] + [Ctrl] + C开启控制台,输入秘籍后...
It will also not count as owned by you for whims and aspirations, for example if your sim has the Successful Lineage aspiration the violin will not count toward "$1000 spent on kid's furniture"What happens when the bug occurs? After a move none of your furniture is owned by your Sims ...
sims.remove_all_buffs移除所有情绪 sims.get_sim_id_by_name显示某个模拟市民的Id,搭配其他命令来用 money#加钱(#为数字) sims.modify_funds#增加或减去金钱(负值为减) sims.hard_reset强行重置小人 autonomy.show_queue没用的东西。。。 aspirationsplete_current_milestone直接完成当前抱负 ...
“Aspirations.complete_current_milestone”–完成目前的里程碑挑战并获得奖励点数 "sims.add_buff Satisfaction_Points "–增加100奖励点数, 但输入前要输入" sims.remove_all_buffs before " 无限消耗品 “objects.consumables_infinite_toggle” –让消耗品变成无限制使用,如食物和奖励药水 ...
Sims with Good Manners won't want to do any gross manners interactions, at least not in front of anyone. They also have a new Polite Introduction and can gain friendly relationships faster. GoodMannered Sims can also Offer Gratitude to the Host of a house they are visiting. T...