如何使用? 2187 辐射4吧 CarFun🌚 有人知道Sim Settlements2怎么玩吗?我在提示的地方 自由博物馆 市长藏身处 庄园都找不到带子 只能通过MCM去拿到卡带 但是我通过作弊解锁了所有的东西都显示不出来 为什么呢? 2222 模拟人生吧 浣姝🌸 【M4求助】怎么重置世界?因为自己的电脑多次反复删除下载m4,以前的存档都在...
This adds a lot to the atmosphere of the game, as you recognize the world you are about to land on, is a living and breathing (and somehow covered with settlements) planet. Add in a dramatic sunset or sunrise while you descend to the sinister alien base on a white beach, and...
 A special mention of Bill ‘Spotlope’ Womack (of Spotted Antelope and Beeswax fame) for his great work on settlements and airstrips, etc., is also appropriate. Installation: As the manual states, installation “is a breeze” just let the “exe” file do its thing (and it will let...