Fight off settler disease, repopulate the world outside of your settlements, battle the Gunners, and establish your own faction headquarters to rule the Commonwealth!Chapter 2 continues th
Automate your Sim Settlements 2 donations, with the SS2 donation conveyor system. With this conveyor you can link it to your manufacturing line and donate your items to your settlement. At defau
You are using Buffout 4 yet nothing feels different, and then BAM crashed. You go the Documents\My Games\Fallout4\F4SE folder and no file with name "crash" something produced. And when you checked f4se.log you will find that Buffout is failed to load. If this happened, just redownload...
Sim Settlements 2 is a mod for Fallout 4 that asks, "What if there was a reason for my character to help rebuild settlements?" You'll meet a Stranger who takes you through a story of rebuilding the Commonwealth and battling the forces that would prevent it. Sim Settlements 2 brings dozen...
《辐射4》(Fallout 4)是由Bethesda开发的一款角色扮演类游戏,于2015年11月10日发行,为《辐射》系列游戏作品的第四代,虽然已经发售多时,不过各种MOD依然让玩家们欲罢不能。此前MOD作者的新作品《辐射4》大型MOD《Sim Settlements 2》备受玩家好评,现在这款大型MOD的追加内容包将上线,新DLC《Chapter 2: Gunner...
如果你使用了UnofficialFallout 4 Patch,请确保使用了最新版本。 文件说明 密码:zino Mod截图 相关作品 Sim Settlements 模拟城市据点系统 2018.4.7更新3.2.0a和插件|吸血鬼世界 选美冠军|罗马2:全面战争 超级将军和事务官MOD|死或生5:最后一战 海莲娜福利装MOD[DLC版]|蜘蛛侠2099全新不同[ADD-ON] 1.1|The Lost...
官方網址: N網漢化:
原网址 分流 链接: 密码:fvo2 安装方式:手动/NMM/MO2 更多的游戏内容就请各位进入游戏后自行探索其中的乐趣了。 如今的Sim Settlements已不再是一个简单的mod,围绕着她诞生了诸多的衍生第三方mod,为Sim Settlements增加了各种...
The sequel to the acclaimed Fallout city-building simulator comes with an epic story, settlement gameplay overhaul, and much more...
Multiple mods that do a lot of scripting (sim settlements, or pack attack) can at times overtax the games internal engine. Click to expand... I think this is the cause of most my my CTDs I believe. Visit too many settlements in the same session and it is bound to crash about ...