Chapter One — 1 GB on PC, 900 MB on XBOX Chapter Two — 1 GB on PC, 750 MB on XBOX Chapter Three — 750 MB on PC, 600 MB on XBOX Explore the Community The Wiki Our community knowledge-base has everything you need to know about the Sim Settlements 2. ...
《辐射4》大型MOD《Sim Settlements 2》DLC公布 B社经典游戏《辐射4》虽然已经发售多时,不过各种MOD依然让玩家们欲罢不能,日前民间大型MOD《Sim Settlements 2》作者宣布,将推出该MOD的DLC《Chapter 2: Gunner Outbreak》,预定今秋上线,敬请期待。 ·MOD作者的新作品《辐射4》大型MOD《Sim Settlements 2》备受玩家好评...
Fight off settler disease, repopulate the world outside of your settlements, battle the Gunners, and establish your own faction headquarters to rule the Commonwealth!Chapter 2 continues th
After playing sim settlements 2 fine for a couple months now, today I updated the mods (2, chapter 2 and 3, etc) and opened my save to be told the save file was corrupt but it had rebuilt the file as best it could (Didn't even realize it could do that) even though I'd restart...