1、本来「邝美欣」与「张均贤」间的友情关系(绿色)乃 10 点,你想将之成为好朋友(70 点),请控制邝美欣,并输入:modifyrelationship 美欣 邝 均贤 张 60 Friendship_Main。2、本来「郭志明」与「李素欣」间的爱情关系乃 80 点,你想将他们的爱情关系(粉红色)减少至 60 点,请控制郭志明,并输入:modify...
sims.add_buffConfidentHighsims.add_buffEnergizedHighsims.add_buffFlirtyHighsims.add_buff e_Buff_Happy sims.add_buffInspiredHighsims.add_buffFocusedHighsims.add_buffPlayfulHigh 升级技能,下面的在创建新人后就疯狂执行吧. stats.set_skill_levelMajor_Fishing10stats.set_skill_levelMajor_Mischief10stats.set_...
I used the cheat to know all the Sims in the game and few were displayed on the Chat, Send Text and other lists. Even when I rose my relationship with Venessa Jeong, she wasn't displayed on lists.All this on a Sunday night.So, probably, it is a normal game behavior.If it...
Then save. When you type in the relationship cheat it will work this time. I just tried it. Reply 0 + XP #19 June Options mightyspritesims ★★★ Pro Would it work to type quotation marks around the name when entering the cheat? That's what one has to do for two-word...
已经尝试过秘籍relationship.add_bit yoursimID targetsimID relationshipBit 一点效果没有,确定是在testingcheats true情况下用的 人物ID也反复核对过 分享122 模拟人生吧 星绒宝宝 【M3 求助】关于 PACKAGE & sim3pack的问题 于是,求高手解答。 办法我有在网上查,可是那些MOD在模拟人生里没有出现。 我下载了个...
Tokyo has a much higher population density than New York City with only around ten percent of the crime. Nevertheless, SimCity generalizes this factor and posits a direct relationship between rising population density and increasing crime. It is possible, however, to apply some of the lessons tau...
I've played a few dating sims in my day, usually to pass the time on weekend mornings. Chrono Days is one of my favorites because it involves time travel and has a cool steampunk world you get to visit, but I have yet to complete it. I appreciate that it
Get Your Sim Pregnant & Have Babies in the Sims Freeplay Game How to Use Friendship and Relationship Cheats in The Sims 4 How to Make Your Sims Nauseous or Sick in The Sims 4 2 Easy Ways to Open The Sims Cheat Window How toWin at SimCity 3000 About This Article wikiHow is a “wi...
{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:the-sims-4-feedback-en","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"the-sims-4-feedback-en","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"The Sims 4 Feedback","description":"Share your feedback around The Sims 4 with the communit...
I used the cheat to know all the Sims in the game and few were displayed on the Chat, Send Text and other lists. Even when I rose my relationship with Venessa Jeong, she wasn't displayed on lists. All this on a Sunday night. ...