Pedal Slider Base Plate Universal, Seat slider and Heel Plate included Universal, Seat slider and Heel Plate included The baseplate allows pedals to be mounted on the Sim-Lab seat slider, which makes it easy to quickly adjust the position of the pedals relative to the seat. Also, it can be...
SIMLAB Pedal Set XP1 Loadcell——SIMLAB XP1称重踏板 SIMLAB XP1称重踏板套装,16位精度,200kg称重传感器。踏板可调性非常丰富,全金属CNC打造,质感非常不错。关键性价比也非常不错,3踏板¥4700不含税费运费。 制动输入精通,XP1 的核心由其制动精度和精心设计的称重传感器定义,该称重传感器提供 16 位模拟输入,可...
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Lastly, the magnetic pedal set allows racers to adjust their brake pedal with four different brake pressure modes. Pros Various different brake pressure and force feedback modes Built-in, customizable display on the wheel Has the new Hybrid Drive Force Feedback System Cons Fully plastic base Pad...
Mit Spitzenbewertungen ausgezeichnete Sim-Racing-Ausrüstung von Logitech G für Xbox, PC & Playstation. Rennlenkrad mit Force Feedback, langlebigen Pedalen und Schalthebel im H-Muster mit Rückwärtsgang.
Get it now! The baseplate allows pedals to be mounted on the Sim-Lab seat slider, which makes it easy to quickly adjust the position of the pedals relative to the seat. Also, it can be used without the seat slider forming a heel-rest and solid mounting p