如果需要韩国的电话号码和打电话,租借Prepaid SIM卡就可以了。(实际上,Pre-paid SIM是只针对上网费用,通话费用是Post-paid SIM!)如果不需要打电话,觉得退还程序繁琐,推荐只拥有Data Only功能的Data Prepaid SIM! ▲(图⑤)T-money交通卡赠送活动 此外,kt网站上预约和付款的顾客,赠送T-Money交通卡的活动。截止到20...
【Prepaid Data SIM (Data Only)】 該SIM卡僅可用於手機上網,不具備通話、接收短信等功能。 【Prepaid SIM (Data+Voice+SMS)】 該SIM卡除上網外可以接聽電話及接收短信。想要撥打電話時需在櫃臺另外預存話費。 ※可預存話費最低5,500韓元~最多55,000韓元。
12个月,600GB流量,现价$180!@ lycamobile 「澳洲最全购物信息平台 」 Prepaid SIM Only plans预付套餐 半价! 12个月,600GB流量 原价$360,现价$180.00。 每28天50GB流量 国内通话不限,39个国家通话不限。 还有一款: 6个月,180GB...
7.6 Data-only SIM: O₂ go Prepaid 7.7 More infomation 8 congstar (on Telekom) 8.1 Availability 8.2 Registration 8.3 Data feature packages 8.4 EU roaming 8.5 More information 9 otelo (on Vodafone) 9.1 Availability 9.2 Registration 9.3 Data feature packages 9.4 EU roaming 9.5 More information...
1: Buy a prepaid SIM card for China online before you travel 1: 在旅行之前,在线购买中国的预付SIM卡 You’ll find many options for prepaid SIM packages which work in China or across Asia, although many tend to be data-only.你会发现在中国或整个亚洲都可以使用的预付费SIM卡套餐有很多选择,...
So many prepaid carriers are just...not good when it comes to customer service, so I really love that US Mobile is good with this.WEBSITE DESIGN:This may seem off to bring up but US Mobile's user interface on both desktop and mobile app makes finding things and getting answers to...
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Unlock seamless connectivity with Kimchi Mobile's Korea SIM card. Ideal for travelers enjoy high-speed data. Choose Kimchi Mobile.
Get prepaid internet in 188 countries from as low as $0.004/MB 5G speeds in countries that offer 5G Reduce your data roaming charges by up to 95% Compatible with all unlocked devices and all SIM sizes Prepaid credit never expires Add adata bundleto get the most affordable data rates ...
Our SIM is for data only and does not support local phone calls and SMS. VoIP apps such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger can be used to make voice calls. How To Use Our Prepaid SIM Card Please make sure your device is unlocked (not locked to your original carrier). ...