Resource = undefined private sim2Text: Resource = undefined private firstName: string = 'card1' private secondNAme: string = 'card2' async getColor(slotId: number) { let color: string = '' try { let result = await sim.hasSimCard(slotId), `color result is ${result}...
1 x PC SIM Card Software (2G/3G/4G Upgraded 3.9.31 Version Software) 1 xUser Manual --And if you need the invoice,please contact with us,we will do it for you,then send the electronic one to you! Specifications Blank 4G LTE USIM Card ...
Wukong card writing software.Rar (4424 K) download frequency: 538 write multi SIM card software Puppy card, No. 16, 12 card.Rar (15786 K) download times: 941 write multi SIM card software (recommended) Note: do not use the original card and write the SIM card other than the unlock car...
Execution of Java Card applications without converting into CAP jCardSim can work with class files without any conversions. This allows us to simplify and accelerate the development and writing of unit tests. Simulator API jCardSim has a simple and usable API, which also allows you to work with...
A SoftwareDesigningfortheSIMCard’sDirectReadingandWritingwithMCU GAO Ji-sen,LIU Chun-hua (SchoolofElectronicandInformationEngineering,LanzhouJiaotongUniversity, Lanzhou730070,China) Abstract:ThewaytooperatetheSIMcarddirectlywithMCUwithoutmiddlemodulesisdiscussed; partialfunctions’sourcecodesofsomeimportantpartsare...
The first connection with a new SIM card, a new module, or at a new location/tower may take aLONGtime - up to 15 minutes or even more, especially if the signal quality isn't excellent. If it is your first connection, you may need to adjust your wait times and possibly go to lunch...
After that, you need to remove the adapter card to replace other cards, and insert the reader again to update automatically.3.3 install HeicardSim HeicardSim Type AHeicardSim Mix3.4 using software ConnectWriting4. FAQ 4.1 Reset SmartCard Failed...
Unlock SIM Card with PUK Code After that, your SIM will be unlocked. Now, remember to keep this code safe! We recommend writing it down or saving it somewhere secure. That way, you can access it easily whenever you need it. Then, let’s see how to disable or change the PIN code fo...
关键词:单片机;SIM 卡;ISO 7816 标准;GSM11.11 标准 中图分类号:TP331 文献标志码:A Software Designing for the SIM Card’s Direct Reading and Writing with MCU GAO(School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Ji-sen, LIU Chun-hua Lanzhou 730070, China) Abstract:...