Silver nitrate is a moderately strong oxidant that can be reduced by a number of moderately strong or strong reducing agent to become elemental silver. Hydrazine (N2H4) and phosphorous acid and reduce Ag+ to metallic silver with the reaction equation: (1) N2H4 + 4AgNO3─ → 4Ag + N2 + ...
For silver nitrate, identify the following: a. cation (symbol and charge) b. anion (symbol and charge) c. formula Ionic compound: The ionic compounds are formed when a cation and anion(opposite charges) combine together. The cation is formed when the e...
Chitosan (Cs) with a molecular weight of 100.000–300.000 and degree of deacetylation more than 85% (Acros, Belgium), Acrylamide (AAm) with a purity of 99.9% (Merck, Germany), Silver nitrate (AgNO3) and Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) (Qualikems Fine Chem., India), Gold (III) chloride (AuC...
The reduction of Ag+ ions to Ag° nanoparticles was indicated by changing the color of any given solution mixture to yellowish–brown gradually increasing to deep brown color depending on both concentration of silver nitrate and the reducing agent. Authors use a wide range of AgNO3concentration in...
and amount of leaf extract added. They concluded that 15 μL of LCLE effectively reduced 90% of AgNO3to AgNPs at 40 °C in 10 min. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed a mean crystallite size of AgNPs of 22 nm through the Debye–Scherer equation. Besides, the NPs were mostly sphe...
The average crystallite size of synthesized AgNPs was evaluated by using Scherrer’s formula (as shown in Equation (1)). (1) where D: the crystallite size K: the dimensionless shape factor (0.9) λ: the X-ray wavelength (1.5418 Å for CuKα) β: the line broadening at half ...
Identify the symbol and charge of the ions involved. Write the formula and name of the ionic compound formed between magnesium and nitrate ions. Then write the balanced chemical equation for the formation of that ionic compound. Write the formula of the compound forme...
Fig. 5 also shows the diffraction pattern of silver chloride, probably due to an interaction between impurities in the polymeric matrix and silver nitrate. The peaks raised at the 2 theta values of 27.8°, 32.3°, 46.2°, 54.8°, 57.5°, were corresponding to respective planes of (111), ...
To determine the significant variables affecting the production of SNPs using the promising fungal water extract, the influence of six independent variables, namely pH, temperature, incubation time, silver precursor concentration, biomass amount, and the ratio of fungal extract to and silver nitrate, ...
Candida albicans is a major human opportunistic pathogen causing infections, which range from cutaneous to invasive systemic infections. Herein, the antifungal and anti-biofilm potential of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) green synthesized in the presence o