Baltimore119contributions 2 We dined at Dutch’s twice over a holiday weekend. Once for dinner outside and once for lunch outside.For lunch we actually had to split tables in our party just to have Kris as our server. I cannot remember the last time I requested a...
In addition to that, I recently took on a new part-time role as Northeast Regional Casting Reporter If you have any movie, TV or theater casting notices in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington, Cleveland or Cincinnati, let me know. I’ve got another new ...
A paraplegic Marine is sent on a unique mission to Pandora, a habitable moon, during the 22nd century to help mine a valuable mineral. But he falls in love with the Na’vi people and their lifestyle and chooses to protect them from the humans. He also develops a romance with the Na’...
1 The Real Love 1 Sightseeing 1 Real At The Time 1 Always In My Heart 1 The Fire Inside 2 New Coat Of Paint 2 Which Way 2 The Mountain 2 The Long Way Home 2 Blind Love 2 She Can’t Do Anything Wrong Nine Tonight 1 Nine Tonight 1 Tryin’ To Live My Life Withiout You 1 You...