Are you looking for AKC Silver Lab puppies for sale in Texas? Look no further! We are proud to offer a wonderful selection of these beautiful and unique Labrador Retrievers. With their stunning silver coats and friendly personalities, our AKC registered Silver Labs are sure to make excellent co...
Are you looking for AKC Silver Lab puppies for sale in Texas? Look no further! We are proud to offer a wonderful selection of these beautiful and unique Labrador Retrievers. With their stunning silver coats and friendly personalities, our AKC registered Silver Labs are sure to make excellent co...
Resultantly, the study carried out in 2014 revealed that chocolate Labrador Retrievers became more agitated when ignored. Also, they exhibit more excitability than black Labs. Furthermore, they are less afraid of noise than yellow and black Labs. ...
“There have been accusations that these “rare” silver Labradors are actually a cross between a Labrador and a Weimaraner. I will let you be the judge, as there is no evidence at this time, one way or the other. However, it is interesting to note that Silver Labradors can be traced...
Welcome to SilverCreek Kennels. As a competitor in the Field Trial circuit with my chocolate Labrador it was evident that the track record for Chocolates lagged behind that of Blacks and Yellows due to a history of relatively careless breeding. SilverCr