The most comprehensive internet resource for research of Silver Marks, Hallmarks & Makers' Marks found on antique and vintage silver and silverplate.
Antique Italian Silver Hallmarks For Sale on 1stDibs An assortment of antique Italian silver hallmarks is available at 1stDibs. Each of these unique antique Italian silver hallmarks was constructed with extraordinary care, often using metal, silver and sterling silver. Antique Italian silver hallmarks ...
The initial reason for using silver hallmarks was to protect the purchaser, but over the years the marks had been somewhat confusing. So, In 1973 the Hall-Marking Act resulted in simplified marks and made it easier to recognise and understand antique silver marks. In 1975, platinum was also ...
霍尔马克(Silver Hallmarks)不列颠尼亚标准标志(The Britannia Standard Mark) 坐在宝座上的不列颠尼亚女神,头戴古罗马百夫长头盔,身着古 罗马宽外袍,右手持海神波塞冬的三叉戟,左手扶绘有十字架的希腊 圆木盾。 关于不列颠女神的起源,有两种说法,有人说来自凯尔特神话中 的橡树女神布里奇德(Bridged ),有人说是古...
英国银器银含量法律规范检测标准有两个,其一,斯特林标准银(Sterling Standard Silver )92.5%,又称925银。其二,不列颠尼亚标准银(Brittania Standard Silver)95.8%,又称958银。本章只对不列颠尼亚标准银(Brittania Standard Silver)及不列颠尼亚标准银银标志霍尔马克(Silver Hallmarks)展开讨论。不列颠尼尼亚标准银(...
The traditional silver hallmarks from the UK’s four assay offices – Birmingham (anchor), Sheffield (rose), London ( leopard) and Edinburgh (castle).英国目前任然运作的四家检测办公室,标志-伯明翰(锚),谢菲尔德(玫瑰),伦敦(豹)和爱丁堡(城堡)。英国历史上存在过的检测办公室约为二十家,有关...
Reading Silver Hallmarks 733March 18, 2025 Hallmark on a cutlery set 38March 18, 2025 18th Century Danish West Indies Coined Beaker, help to ID the maker? 221March 18, 2025 Unknown hallmark on silver spoon 213March 18, 2025 Slightly worn hallmarks on the silver of a salt glazed British hu...
Silver hallmarks are a form of regulation and consumer protection dating back 700 years. Image courtesy of I Franks Antique Silver. The hallmarks on a piece of antique British silver typically signify (from left to right): the maker, the purity, the assay office, the date it was assayed and...
When buying silver at auction it’s important to look for an item’s hallmarks. These silver hallmarks indicate the purity of the precious metal and often identify the date and location where the item was originally stamped or 'assayed'.
霍尔马克(Silver Hallmarks)不列颠尼亚标准标志(The Britannia Standard Mark) 坐在宝座上的不列颠尼亚女神,头戴古罗马百夫长头盔,身着古罗马宽外袍,右手持海神波塞冬的三叉戟,左手扶绘有十字架的希腊圆木盾。 关于不列颠女神的起源,有两种说法,有人说来自凯尔特神话中的橡树女神布里奇德(Bridged ),有人说是古凯尔特人...