SW 6547 Silver Peony paint color by Sherwin-Williams is a Purple paint color used for interior and exterior paint projects. Visualize, coordinate, and order color samples here.
品牌:Sherwin-Williams 分子式:Sherwin-Williams 产地/厂商:美国 产品等级:优级品 Sherwin-Williams F63BXS9852-4311 Polane价格:价格电议产品详情:聚氨酯搪瓷螺旋桨涂料Sherwin-Williams F63BXS9852-4311 Polane T Silver Polyurethane Enamel Propeller Paint - Quart CanHart... ...
This color has an approximate wavelength of 574.03 nm. Buy paint matching this color Color Variations Inverted#686d7f 25% saturated#9a947d Grayscale#8c8c8c 25% lighter#b5b2a8 Original#979280 25% darker#787567 Web safe: gray#808080 25% desaturated#959182 HTML: gray#808080...
Our exterior paint is Iron Ore by Sherwin Williams. I seriously debated over this color for months before I finally made the decision. It’s kind of scary or intimidating to paint your entire home dark! Before our stone went up it looked almost black and I was worried I had made a big...
宣伟有机硅醇酸铝粉漆 Silver-Brite Hi-Heat Silicone Alkyd Aluminum - CN产品说明书:热固化、内外部通用的、已经混合好有机硅树脂和325目特级铝粉浆的改性醇酸漆 主要用途:用于高温环境下(260°C-537°C之间)经过处理的钢材表面
Valspar Paint ★ Callisto R216D#a3a7a7 ΔE = 1.075 / LRV ≈ 38.2% CIL ★ West Coast Grey#a3a7a7 ΔE = 1.075 / LRV ≈ 38.2% Sherwin-Williams ★ Gris - 7659#a5a9a8 ΔE = 1.15 / LRV ≈ 39.2% Humbrol ★ 64 Light Grey#a8a8a8 ΔE = 1.188 / LRV ≈ 39.2% CHROMATIC ★ 1076-...
This color has an approximate wavelength of 478.07 nm. Buy paint matching this color Color Variations Inverted#9e7446 25% saturated#568ac4 Grayscale#8d8d8d 25% lighter#98afc9 Original#618bb9 25% darker#4e6f94 Web safe: teal#008080 25% desaturated#6a8bb0 HTML: steelblue#4682b4...
This color has an approximate wavelength of 611.37 nm. Buy paint matching this color Color Variations Inverted#181919 25% saturated#e7e6e6 Grayscale#e7e7e7 25% lighter#ffffff / #fff Original#e7e6e6 25% darker#bab7b7 Web safe: white#ffffff / #fff 25% desaturated#e7e6e6 HTML: gainsboro...
Crown Paint ★ Promenade#818778 ΔE = 1.048 / LRV ≈ 23.4% Sherwin-Williams ★ Willowleaf - 9649#85877b ΔE = 1.131 / LRV ≈ 23.7% Tambour ★ Ocean Grotto / 0977D#878a7d ΔE = 1.179 / LRV ≈ 24.8% Chokwang Paint ★ 9G4#858779 ΔE = 1.199 / LRV ≈ 23.7% Sigma ★ Natural ...
Johnstone's Paint ★ Frosted Silver#ccd0d0 ΔE = 0.359 / LRV ≈ 62.5% Tollens ★ T2146-1#cdd2d2 ΔE = 0.439 / LRV ≈ 63.7% Sherwin-Williams ★ Misty - 6232#cdd2d2 ΔE = 0.439 / LRV ≈ 63.7% Audi ★ Reflex Silver Metallic / 8E8E, LA7W#cdd2d2 ΔE = 0.439 / LRV ≈ ...