silver birch- European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches Betula pendula,common birch,European white birch Betula,genus Betula- a genus of trees of the family Betulaceae (such as birches) birch tree,birch- any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having...
Effect of Ectomycorrhiza on Cu and Pb Accumulation in Leaves and Roots of Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) Seedlings Grown in Metal-Contaminated Soil A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of high concentrations of available Cu and Pb in soil originated from the vicinity of a ...
Silver birch (BetulapendulaRoth) is one of the major components of natural and managed forests in Europe, Asia, and North America. This widely distributed tree has adapted to function in a wide spectrum of climatic (Titmuss1959; Browicz1979) and site (Bown1995) conditions. Additionally, its r...
The above-ground biomass and production, below-ground biomass, nutrient (NPK) accumulation, fine roots and foliar characteristics of a 8-year-old silver birch ( Betula pendula ) natural stand, growing on abandoned agricultural land in Estonia, were investigated. Total above-ground biomass and ...
PtCOMT-modi ed silver birch Heidi Tiimonen Department o Biology, Faculty o Science, University o Oulu Academic dissertation To be presented, with the permission o the Faculty o Science o the Uni- versity o Oulu, or public criticism in the auditorium Taapeli o Lusto, at Punkaharju, on...
Silver birch (Betula pendula) is a pioneer boreal tree that can be induced to flower within 1 year. Its rapid life cycle, small (440-Mb) genome, and advanced germplasm resources make birch an attractive model for forest biotechnology. We assembled and chromosomally anchored the nuclear genome ...
Species of the genus Tuber have gained a lot of attention in recent decades due to their aromatic hypogenous fruitbodies, which can bring high prices on the market. The tendency in truffle production is to infect oak, hazel, beech, etc. in greenhouse con
1 The Real Love 1 Sightseeing 1 Real At The Time 1 Always In My Heart 1 The Fire Inside 2 New Coat Of Paint 2 Which Way 2 The Mountain 2 The Long Way Home 2 Blind Love 2 She Can’t Do Anything Wrong Nine Tonight 1 Nine Tonight ...
‘Can you prune the tree without damaging the roots?’ It was a language tree. I said, well, this is wrong. I was doing my Sanskrit finals at the time, having had experience of other scripts during my year at the University of Tuebingen, where I worked on translite...
However, mycorrhizal communities in relation to tree field performances have been scarcely studied. In this study, mycorrhizal communities on the roots of clones of silver birch and hybrid aspen growing in distinct trials in deep automorphous mineral soils (podzolic and fluvic) under hemiboreal ...