Kedehern's Silver Hand masters brought his armor back to his father, Brogan.[57] At some point, Tirion Fordring's life was saved by the orc Eitrigg. When Eitrigg was captured by Saidan Dathrohan' soldiers, Tirion felt he owed a debt of honor and fought to rescue him. For assaulting...
We each have a good collection of 'junk' gear like (scrolls, piddly wands, trap making material, potions ect), a few decent weapons, some armor, ect. Our wizard can craft wands, and both him and the archivist can make scrolls. Past that, we're basically SOL. Our DM will give us s...
Actually, it's the exact opposite. Silver Samurai had better physical stats, having better armor and technically better strength feats, but lost due to the big difference in their skill and techniques. They even said that was the reason in the anaylsis. ...