Silty clay Strain rate effect Confining pressure Peak strength Consolidation Pore pressure Nomenclature Su peak strength at a certain strain rate (kPa) Su0 peak strength at a reference strain rate (kPa) E elastic modulus (kPa) y peak strength change rate(%) x strain rate (s−1) ε1 class...
ClayCPTlagoonal soilsLiquidity indexUndrained Shear StrengthOCRSPTIn this research, the shear strength of the blue-green soft silty-clays in Konyaalti (Antalya) has been investigated. Samples taken in every 0.5 m from boreholes were investigated using laboratory methods. Additionally, CPT an...
We don't go into the Pancone claysiltyearth and sand on top of the surface. 我们并不想进入处于表层的淤泥和沙子下面的潘康黏土. 互联网 Paper weight wool andsilty, paper maoba large light - weight and very fine,silty. 纸不净和粉质的比轻差别, 纸不净背积不小轻量不沉, 粉质极细而较轻...
Salimi M, Payan M, Hosseinpour I, Arabani M, Ranjbar PZ (2024) Effect of glass fiber (GF) on the mechanical properties and freeze-thaw (FT) durability of lime-nanoclay (NC)-stabilized marl clayey soil. Constr Build Mater 416:135227 Article Google Scholar Seo S, Lee M, Im J, Kwo...
Based on the practical situation of one coal mine, we carried out experimental research on instability mechanism of silty mudstone roofs under action with water, including: (1) quantitative analysis on clay minerals, consisting of 15% illite, 19% montmorillonite and 12% illite/montmorillonite inter...
The innermost layer of the double-layer water, which is held very strongly by the clay, is known as adsorbed water. This orientation of water around the clay particles gives fine-grained soils their plastic properties. The water in the pore space that is not absorbed by the clay particles ...
3) clay mud 粘土泥浆4) coated slurry 白土泥浆5) Soil slurries 土壤泥浆 例句>> 6) Silica fume grout 硅粉水泥浆补充资料:咸水泥浆、海水钻井液、海水泥浆 分子式:CAS号:性质:又称咸水泥浆、海水钻井液、海水泥浆。氯离子含量在6000mg/L以下的水基钻井液。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于...
improvement of bearing capacity of shallow foundation on geogrid reinforced silty clay and sand 热度: J.Cent.SouthUniv.(2012)19:3006—3011 DoI:10.1007/sl1771-012.1370.1 Stabilizationofsalinesiltysandusinglimeandmicrosilica R.Z.Moayed,E.Izadi,S.Heidari ...
Clay (<2μm) 30.6% Three different types of commercially available SAH have been evaluated. For the sake of brevity, they are referred to as SAH types F, S and P. Hydrogel type F is a granular anionic polyacrylamide polymer with grain size 0.0–0.3 mm. It is a cross-linked copolymers...
It increases dry unit weight of the stabilized clay with insignificant change in liquid limit. This results in irrelevant difference in optimum water content (OWC) for the unstabilized and the stabilized clay since OWC of low swelling silty clay is mainly controlled by liquid limit. It is found...