The tunnel is a tribute to John Cleese, the star character in the “Ministry of Silly Walks" sketch. Though the Flying Circus episode first aired in 1970, the classic British comedy still maintains its beloved place in popular culture. Giant pictures of Cleese in various stages of his silly...
Basically it gave the person a few character points of a power plus the ability to give that same power/skill to someone else. I think it was based on 5 CP not counting the "give it to a friend" ability but it may have been 10. So children were suddenly doubling their strength and...
Billy even gave Sally a hug, and we could see where this would lead to much more, especially once the “secret” Adam and Chelsea () have been keeping gets out. While, of course, they may just be a rebound since they’ll both be recovering from being cheated on, it’s possible that...
I have to fight, sometimes, not to become Comic Book Guy. Note that this is not intended to run down comic book fans of either gender in general, but rather a reference to theSimpsonscharacter who is never given another name. This guy: If you’ve never watched the show, he is the a... Captain America: The Winter Soldier Avengers: Doomsday Cast And Shooting Start Date Possibly Confirmed 1/4/2025 Prime’s Best Streaming Deal Ends Tonight — How to Save Up to 85% on Paramount+, Starz, and More ...
Pauly’s character, Crawl, and the family he invades--which features Lane Smith and Cindy Pickett as the parents, Mason Adams (of the ultimate creamy TV commercial voice) as Grandpa and Patrick Renna as younger brother Zack--are conceived in the broadest sitcom-sketch terms. Dad is upright,...
I used to think, back in the day, that no one could possibly be as stupid as a character in a newspaper comic strip soap opera. (Not that they’re all stupid, of course. I still miss Alison Bechdel’sÂDykes to Watch Out For.) Now that I am near the very end of my 30s, tho...
and color in cartoons. They were a suggestion made by Disney’s music director Carl W. Stalling to Walt Disney about cartoons without a central character and where the main focus would be on music. Disney’s tin, two-disc set features thirty one of these cartoons, including six Academy Awa...
There are new character designs and game design that looks very interesting! Check out the Trailer Here! Just for the fun of it, I've included an old video that used to make me laugh my ass off, "Mr. Bean goes to see A Nightmare on Elm Street". I just watched it for the first ...
Ultimately,Hustlefollows Adam Sandler as Stanley “Sugarman” Beren, finding himself caught in the ups and downs of being a Philadelphia talent scout. Mirroring manyfamous Adam Sandler career roles,Hustlebenefits from seeing his character down on his luck. This opportunity of playing a complex chara...