In thin section tourmaline (0.5-1 mm) exhibits olive green to tan pleochroism and is zoned with blue-green cores. Sillimanite needles in lenses within the tourmaline matrix were deformed by an earlier zonal crenulation cleavage. Deformation took place after peak metamorphism, and at least two...
Thisthinsectioncontainsabundantkyaniteandminorfibrolitealongkyaniterims.(aandb)Gametzoning.(c)Gametadjacenttoa quartzvein.Thebiotiteinclusionissurroundedbya thinclear(inclusion-free)zone,whichisitselfsurroundedbya zoneofgreatercon-centrationofgraphiteandfluidinclusionsrelativetotherestofDC94-12Kyanitezone1.0bC0.8...
The expected volume of rutile in kyanite created by replacing biotite is 3%, comparable to the ~5% seen in thin section and supporting replacement of biotite by kyanite and rutile: Bt = Ky + Ru (DeltaVrxn= -68%). Similarly, biotite interfingered with sillimanite and ilmenite suggests a ...
The microstructures in the titanohematite control local magnetic properties at the mineral scale. Magnetic modeling results suggest a consistent average magnetization direction before and after demagnetization at both the grain and thin section scale, with a decrease in the magnetization intensity of ≈30...