SilkSilky offers luxurious silk products crafted from premium mulberry silk. Explore our range from elegant clothing to delicate bedding.
SilkSilky offers luxurious silk products crafted from premium mulberry silk. Explore our range from elegant clothing to delicate bedding.
通过ERP系统,SilkSilky能清晰看到销售预估、生产排期、备货预估和库存的动态数据,且可以通过算法尽可能杜绝浪费。成本大规模下降了,价格也就真正让利给消费者了。第一年,SilkSilky的采购成本降了约20%,第二年在此基础上又降了约30%,而今年第三年,整个成本与最开始相比降了40%以上。 标准用打螺丝的耐心,分析万条...
Since moving to the Shopify Plus plan, SilkSilky has seen: 680% growth in sales within two years of upgrading to Shopify Plus Increased conversion rates in European countries Reduction in the rate of return, from 7%–8% to 1% 3X increase in checkout survey response rates compared to email...
SilkSilky upgraded to the Plus plan eight months after adopting Shopify, making use of the platform’s seamless integration capabilities and API architecture to link it with their custom ERP system. This improved the efficiency of customer and financial data analysis for more accurately controlled cos...
在建立Shopify独立站后8个月,SilkSilky便升级至Shopify Plus。升级Shopify Plus后,第二年SilkSilky的销售额就增长了680%,欧洲国家的转化率也显著提升。 为了快速拓展业务到更多国家和市场,我们升级到了Shopify Plus,一方面实现多站点的一站式管理,一方面兼顾不同站点的自由运营,既集中又相对独立。升级过程很丝滑,点击...
商标名称 SILK SILKY 注册号 67148210 当前状态 已销亡 商标类型 普通商标 类别 第25类 申请日期 2022-09-11 类似群 2501,2502,2503,2504,2505,2507,2508,2513 商品/服务列表 2501-内衣, 2501-内裤, 2501-旗袍, 2501-服装, 2501-睡衣, 2501-睡袍, ...
My experience with SilkSilky has been brilliant. I bought my wife a gift, ended up being 1 size too small. She decided she choose different sleepwear. The team at SilkSilky were great, very understanding and explained the process very simply. ...
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