The sea route sets out at the southeast coast of China, past South Asia, and arrives at Europe. (The left map illustrates the three provinces in China covered by Silk Road)The Complete Silk Road Map (Click to Enlarge) The Route of Silk Road in China China Silk Road Tourist Map ...
Silk Road Map The Silk Road is an ancient route started from Xi’an to the Europe in the ancient time. Like Rome was not built in one day, the Silk Road was a joint effort of generations and kingdoms over the centuries. It had withstood over 2000 years’ history and witnessed raise ...
Silk Road on the Sea (Maritime Silk Road) In fact, besides the Silk Road in the northwest of China, there are another trade road in the southwest of China and by sea, which called the “Silk Road on the Sea”, in order to distinguish it from the traditional Silk Road. It also contr...
This China Silk Road Map is your detail travel companion to all the secret places along the Silk Road including Kashgar, Dunhuang, LanZhou and lots more...
Time to put the southern Silk Road on the mapIN Opinion
Silk Road Type:Tourist attraction Category:tourism Location:Beijing,North China,China,East Asia,Asia View on OpenStreetMap Latitude 39.90692° or 39° 54' 25" north Longitude 116.40478° or 116° 24' 17" east Open Location Code
Silk Road Map Silk Road Culture Silk Road Facts Silk Road Travel Tips Cities Along the Silk Road Top Silk Road Attraction Hotels Along The Silk Road Travel Advisor Any questions? Ask us here Name: Country: Email: Code:refresh» Contact Center ...
The Great Silk Road map shows trade routes across the Asian continent connecting East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean world. A map of ancient Silk Road with cities and countries, which passes through the Great Silk Road.
Silk Road, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China. Silk went westward. Wools, gold, and silver went east. China also received Nestorian Christianity and Buddhis
Xinhua Silk Road is the Belt and Road (BRI) portal.China's silk road economic belt and 21st century maritime silk road website,Includes BRI investment,BRI trade,BRI projects,policies,Belt and Road weekly,Know Belt and Road,and the integrated information