2019年6月26日,作为美国最大的植物性食品和饮料品牌,达能Silk扩大了Oat Yeah燕麦奶系列的产品线,推出了系列新品“Oat Yeah Oatmilk Yogurt Alternatives”燕麦酸奶。 Oat Yeah Oatmilk Yogurt Alternatives将无麸质燕麦和活性菌结合在一起,创造出一种柔滑可口的酸奶。这种酸奶有四种口味:香草味、混合浆果味、草莓味和...
Silk Oat Yeah 燕麦奶 今年1月,达能率先通过旗下Silk品牌推出了首款燕麦奶产品Oat Yeah Oatmilk,有着超级奶油般的质地口感与均衡口味,同时也是维生素D、维生素B12、钙和核黄素的绝佳来源,不含乳制品、大豆和胆固醇,并通过了素食认证和非转基因认证。新品共有4种口味,包括原味、香草、巧克力、无糖。 图片来源:Googl...
Oat Yeah is dairy-free and soy-free of dairy, offers creamy texture, versatility and nutrition and delivers fewer calories and less sugar than other refrigerated oatmilk brands. Oat Yeah comes in The Plain One, The Vanilla One and The Chocolate One varieties, for a suggested retail price of ...
Silk is releasing three flavors of themillennial-favorite non-dairy milk drink that is currently sold by brands like Pacific and Oatly. Silk’s oat milk, called “Oat Yeah,” will be sold in plain, vanilla, and chocolate flavors. The oat milk will be available in supermarkets and major ret...
At Silk®, we’re on a smooth, delicious, plant-based journey—and everybody’s invited. Try our almondmilk, soymilk, oatmilk, creamers, yogurt alternatives and more.
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