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Explanation: Tassar silk is also known asKosa silk. It is obtained from the oak-feeding larvae of the silk moth-Antheraea mylitta. ... Explanation: Muga silk is produced by the larva of Antheraea assamensis in Assam. Is tussar silk easy to drape? While silk can be a suitable fabric for...
Many lepidopteran species produce silk, cocoons, feeding tubes, or nests for protection from predators and parasites for caterpillars and pupae. Yet, the number of lepidopteran species whose silk composition has been studied in detail is very small, beca
The larva, the larval case and the silk of Rheotanytarsus musdcola Kieffer was examined with scanning electron microscopy. The structures of mouthparts and the larval case are described in relation to feeding habits and silk production. Three methods of silk formation seem to be used. One is ...
Under 20–25С larva development ends in approximately one month, if the temperature is higher, the process is faster. Grown caterpillar, as a rule, acquires flesh color, reaches 7-8 cm in length and the thickness of little finger.For this purpose silkworms are put into straw boxes where ...
giant silkworm,wild wilkworm,silkworm- larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon gland,secreter,secretor,secretory organ- any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstrea...
a natural textile fiber of animal origin, produced by ejection from the silk glands (sericteries) of silkworms spinning cocoons. The principal commercial silkworm is the larva of the Asiatic mulberry silkworm moth (Bombyx mori), which is raised commercially on special farms. The larvae eject silk...
3 Tissue specificity analysis of mRNA expression of new silk gene candidates by Northern blotting. Lanes: SG YC—silk glands of Y. cagnagella spinning last instar larva; CA YC—carcass (ablated SG) of Y. cagnagella, PU YC—pupa of Y. cagnagella, SG YE—silk glands of Y. evonymella ...
Basically the silk comes fromsilkworms. The larva is the source of the silk. From the glands, silkworms produce the natural protein fiber, that forms the cocoon. The fibers come off the cocoon. Where does silk come from silkworm? In commercial use, silk is almost entirely limited to filament...
The larva of the Bombyx mori moth is the silkworm. Silk is a type of natural fibre also an animal fibre. Silkworm is responsible for the spinning of silk. A silkworm is reared to obtain silk.