the second most abundant substance on the planet... next to commercials... err... oxygen. Depending on how the chemical wizards treat it, it can be a liquid oil (silicone spray lubricant), a resin (silicone caulk
3M硅润滑剂 Silicone lubricant 矽质硅油 线油防锈喷剂 深圳艾力克斯电子科技有限公司3年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥999.00 史班哲硅油喷剂润滑各种塑料成型设备食品级SILICONE SPRAY脱模剂 东莞市施派尔精细化工有限公司7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
Waterproof and protect metal and non-metallic surfaces like rubber, plastic and vinyl with the water resistant silicone lubricant spray from WD-40. This spray is ideal for cables, valves, hinges and locks. The spray and straw allows you to apply two ways
Specifications: Product Name: Silicone Spray Lubricant 100ml Net Content: 100ml Purposes: Lift freely, Eliminate noise, Prevent adhesion, Protective strip, Lubricating strip, Delay aging, Prevent cracking Function: Solve the problems caused by the aging of the rubber strip, difficulty in lifting, lo...
Bel-Ray No-Tox Food Grade Silicone Lubricant Spray (61780) 400 ML/罐 ,Bel-Ray No-Tox Food Grade Silicone Lubricant Spray (61780)是一种专为食品行业设计的高性能硅基润滑剂,符合食品安全标准,确保在与食品接触的环境中安全使用。获得NSF H1认证,适用于偶尔与食
LPS 01716食品级硅质润滑剂LPS 01716食品级硅质润滑剂常适用于食品件或木制件需要在金属表面上滑动的应用中。它还可以用作脱膜剂,在使用中,它可以深入渗透至模具的细小部位,使得能够实现耐久、优异的脱膜效果。模铸零件脱模的理想用品干式薄膜,不会吸附灰尘或尘圭可提供良好的润滑效果快速蒸发耐高温性能260℃(500℉...
爱企查为您提供Molykote 557 Silicone Dry Film Lubricant (spray)有机硅脱模剂,东莞市佳锦新材料科技有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。脱模剂;脱模剂批发;脱模剂行情报价;脱模剂价格;脱模剂底价;脱模剂图片;脱模剂厂家;脱模剂生产厂家;脱模剂品牌;脱
Sprayon LU1324 高性能有机硅润滑剂是一种富含有机硅的配方,可在各种应用中提供润滑和保护 Sprayon LU1324 High Performance Silicone Lubricant 收藏 获取报价 Sprayon LU708 高性能干式润滑剂是一种清洁、无油、无污染、多功能的干式润滑剂,可在 -40°F 至 +572°F 的温度范围内发挥作用 Sprayon LU708 ...
1)Silicone spray is a lubricant,protective and parting agent as well as conditional for plastic wood ,rubber and metals. 2)Ideal for sliding surface & rejuvenating rubber parts. About us Guangzhou VESLEE Chemical Co., Ltd. is an enterprise, who is specialized in researching, manu...
No-Tox® Food Grade Silicone Lubricant SprayCategories: Industrial, No-Tox®, No-Tox® Specialty, Specialty Description Sizes & Viscosities PDS/SDS CONTACT SALES A high-viscosity silicone aerosol lubricant designed for general purpose use in a wide range of applications....