Human Life Form versus Silicon-Based Life Form: Can Humans Stay in Control of Computers?Stories often tend to be perceived as more interesting than facts - but what if reality is, in fact, catching up with fiction at far greater speed than thought possible? With silicon-based life forms (...
I've heard of the theoretical possibility of life based on silicon, but silicon-based life would be of an entirely different order.James T. Kirk A silicon-based lifeform, also known as a silicon cycle life form or simply silicon creature, was a corporeal
To make a long story short: It does not look very good. There aren’t many organic silicon compounds to begin with, and silicon-based life in water, or on an oxygen-rich planet, would be all but impossible as any free silicon would react quickly and furiously to form si...
"Technocapital can usher in the next evolution of consciousness, creating unthinkable next-generation lifeforms and silicon-based awareness," the backers of the concept explained in the first-everpostabout e/acc. In terms of AI, it is"artificial general intelligence,"or AGI, that underlies th...
Silicon has long been the primary material for solar energy applications, largely owing to its natural abundance and low toxicity [1,2]. However, recent studies have highlighted certain limitations in the energy conversion efficiency of silicon-based photovoltaic cells [3,4], catalyzing the explorati...
OLEDoS uses silicon-wafer-based CMOS substrates. Using silicon substrates, ultra-fine circuit structures typically used in semiconductor processes can be reproduced, which in turn lead to the creation of ultra-high-resolution OLEDs when organic matter is deposited on them....
A carbon–carbon double bond consists of a σ bond and a π bond. Recently, the concept of a π single bond, where a π bond is not accompanied by a σ bond, has been proposed in diradicals containing carbon and heteroatom radical centers. Here we report a closed-shell compound having...
(and hence per wavelength) output power of SMLLs. However, an SMLL is significantly smaller than a DFB array. The linewidth of passive SMLLs111is usually lower than DFB arrays22. More R&D is expected for SMLLs to demonstrate higher power, reliability, and lifetime in the next decade. ...
Section3begins with an overview of the different characterization techniques that have been applied to the silica bilayer system, both experimentally and theoretically. As silica materials are ubiquitous in everyday life, the ability to obtain structural and chemical information on a silica system in ...
Pre﹍ithiation technology has been introduced to compensate for irreversible Li+ consumption during battery operation, thereby improving the energy densities and lifetime of Si‐based full cells. More importantly, almost all related mechanisms of Si‐based electrodes in half and full cells are ...