Copper tubes (length = 60 mm, external diameter = 6.35 mm, internal diameter = 4.57 mm) were sonicated (Branson M8800, Thermo Fisher Scientific) in an acetone bath for 15 min. This was followed by sequential cleaning using acetone, ethanol, isopropanol (IPA), DIW and blow-dry...
After the preshearing period, Figures 2 and 3 highlight a Gels 2017, 3, 32 3 of 12 Gels 2017, 3, 32 3 of 12 Gtheles 2s0h17e,a3r, 3s2tress of the PS suspensions decreases with increasing time and then gradually leve3lsofo1f2f sstiioggmampooliiaddteiiannuccrrveeaaalssueee.ooAff ...
X-ray radiography and 3D computed tomography (CT) have been used to measure xenon hydrate dissociation kinetics in a porous medium (sand) through depressurization at the quasi-isothermal condition. It was found that hydrate surface area controls gas hydrate dissociation kinetics in porous media [15...