Keywords: sol-gel; silica; nanoparticles; Stöber; LaMer; reverse emulsion; biogeochemical cycle 1. Introduction Silica (SiO2) has been used throughout history in the manufacturing of glass, ceramics, concrete, mortar, sandstone and silicones [1]. Today, silica is present in an impressive ...
SAS Type Internal Code Fumed Silica F-3 Precipitated Silica P-2 Silica Gel G-1 Colloidal Silica C-1 BET 1 (m2/g) 300 440 700 200 2 solid content for suspensions (wt.-%) - - - 40 pH 3 electric conductivity (µS/cm) at 25 ◦C 5 4 6.5 4.4 9.7 160 55 4771.6 1 BET: ...
1. Introduction Over the past century, the use of plastics has been on the rise globally and is becoming alarming due to its disposal techniques that are damaging the environment, and at this current rate of usage, it is estimated that the earth will hold over 3 billion tons of plastic ...