silhouette-icon.png silhouette-udev.rules silhouette_multi.inx README GPL-2.0 license inkscape-silhouette An extension to drive a Silhouette Cameo and similar plotter devices from within inkscape. 100% pure python, ontop of the libusb backend...
I have always been pro Silhouette Cameo. I have the Business edition of Silhouette and I love it because I can use it to design files to use with my Glowforge Pro. Unfortunately, this app is useless. A lot of the time when I’m designing, I’m doing it on my iPad in the evenings...
Open the document which fit to your setup, e.g. examples/registration-marks-cameo-silhouette-a4-maxi.svg for Silhouette Cameo using A4 paper format. Insert your cutting paths and graphics on the apropriate layers. Printout the whole document including registration marks. You probably want to hide...