Silestone is a low-silica mineral surface composed of premium minerals and recycled materials. Its revolutionary Hybriq+® technology effectively reduces crystalline silica content, resulting in an innovative, sustainable, and high-performance mineral surface. A LEADING BRAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS THAT...
SINCE 2023, ALL SILESTONE COLORS ARE MANUFACTURED WITH LOW CRYSTALLINE SILICA CONTENT POWERED BY Hybriq+® Hybriq+®IS THE RESULT OF YEARS OF INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT In 2017, Cosentino anticipated the future by initiating a comprehensive research process to create the first low-silica mineral ...
Silestone is a low-silica mineral surface composed of premium minerals and recycled materials. Its revolutionary Hybriq+® technology effectively reduces crystalline silica content, resulting in an innovative, sustainable, and high-performance mineral surface. A LEADING BRAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS THAT...
Silestone is a low-silica mineral surface composed of premium minerals and recycled materials. Its revolutionary Hybriq+® technology effectively reduces crystalline silica content, resulting in an innovative, sustainable, and high-performance mineral surface. A LEADING BRAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS THAT...
The New Silestone. Designed for Life Spaces designed to withstand the test of time. So that all you have to worry about is enjoying yourself. Welcome to your home.CreativeLiving Reimagine your kitchen. Have fun. Design a space that tells your story. We bring colour, you bring life. ...
Silestone is a low-silica mineral surface composed of premium minerals and recycled materials. Its revolutionary Hybriq+® technology effectively reduces crystalline silica content, resulting in an innovative, sustainable, and high-performance mineral surface. A LEADING BRAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS THAT...
必应词典为您提供silestone的释义,网络释义: 赛丽石;石英石;赛丽石英石;
Silestone赛丽石 深圳市富力建材有限公司 法定代表人:马拥军 联系方式: 075583509428 品牌发源地:西班牙 品牌创立时间:2002-07-29 上榜行业 更多 目前Silestone赛丽石品牌尚未上任何行业榜单。 申请入驻"赛丽石"是一种以天然的石英石为原料的人造板材,为针对现代厨房与浴室装修而创造出来的一种具有多种颜色系列...