Use the library with silent renew, use refresh tokens that are valid for 120 seconds, set renewTimeBeforeTokenExpiresInSeconds=10 and keep the Angular application open for 1 hour. Then check the server log Steps to reproduce the behavior: Use the library with configuration silentRenew: true, u...
I am working on ANGULAR JS application with MSAL v1, how can i achieve to get token using acquire token silent ,in my enterprise system third party cookies are blocked in chrome i tried using MSAL v2 but i was getting error in my ANGULAR JS application as it was not ...
The readme give an example off PKCE but it uses refresh tokens which is not recommend for web apps. It is also missing useSilentRefresh:true and this.oauthService.setupAutomaticSilentRefresh(); Both senarios work but I thought the refresh token has some security issues see Can the document ...
stringclientId,stringappKey,stringgraphResourceID){// get a token for the Graph without triggering any user interaction (from the cache, via multi-resource refresh token, etc)ClientCredential clientcred =newClientCredential(clientId, appKey);// initialize AuthenticationContext...
We need to be able to call the getAccessTokenSilently for out API and we have the useRefreshTokens and useRefreshTokensFallback both set to true in the configuration. Does it have anything to do with those? What exactly is going on to cause this issue and how can it be resolved?Relat...
However, offline_access is not a valid scope in the implicit flow as it is used in other flows to acquire refresh tokens, so your application can pass just the ${clientId}/.default scope to acquireTokenSilent (and acquireTokenRedirect). We are aware of the problems caused third-party ...
That is why, token renewal operation fails. From a user perspective, if I don't check the KMSI checkbox, I wouldn't expect myself to be logged in when I re-open the browser. Assuming you are not using the angular wrapper (as it seems from your code), you can call Authentication...