I teach that the c and g are (usually) made soft not only before the silent e, but the letter e generally (cement, celery) + the letters i (icy, city) and y (cycle, cylinder). As great as this chart is for adults, it’s aloooot of information for a little person to remember...
I sent two of the letters to former Catholic priests of mine….I attached the response from him urging me to read the book “Prove It!.” My wife and I have been placing your gospel tracks in different places we visit. This coming Sunday, I am hosting my first Bible study in...
plus one. So Surf would be 19, 21, 18, 6. And 1987 is A, I, H, G. I do this all day, and although it doesn’t make time pass any quicker, I convert all the numbers and letters I see. By the time night comes around, I’m more convinced than ...