Print phonics worksheets and activities for teaching students about Silent E (Magic E; CVCe) words.
Silent Letters Teach students about silent letters and silent letter words this school year with printable and digital activities created by teachers for teachers like you! Aligned with both the TEKS and the Common Core English curriculums, this collection of printable worksheets, reading center activi...
Grade:2 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Curriculum Identify silent letters in words with this set of four cut-and-paste worksheets. Seeking Out Sneaky Silent Letters! Silent letters are everywhere in the English language. These “imposter letters” jump along for the ride but don’t make a ...
Boost first graders' reading and spelling skills with Silent E and other silent letters free printable worksheets! Designed for young learners, these activities help children understand the impact of silent letters on word pronunciation and meaning. Get
Silent letters are a common feature of English spelling, even though they seem strange at first. Silent letters are letters that you can’t hear when you say the word, but which are there when you write the word. This article takes a look at some of the most common silent letters in ...
Silent E Bus Stop Spelling is perfect for first grade or any student starting on letter sound relationships. Gamers will be given an image of a silent E word and an assortment of letters with which to spell it. Put the letters together to create a new bridge to get the gang to school ...
Separate your students into small groups. Distribute a set of letters to each group. Explain that the students will take turns spelling words that you read. When a player takes his turn and spells a word, the others may help him or her correct it, but they cannot speak. When all members...