But no video game is scary like this one, Silent Hill... The story tells about a man called Harry Mason who travels to a city called Silent Hill with his daughter Cheryl. On his way to the town, a very mysterious girl tries to cross the road, so Harry crashes his car. When he ...
Prepare to be taken to hell with Silent Hill. One of the best games of the original PlayStation this is physiological horror at its very best!
"Silent Hill" is an excellent example of a computer game that has been adapted with great attention to detail by an obvious fan. The tone, the plot and even the musical score remain faithful to the game, which results in a visual world that instantly feels familiar. However, the same cou...
Filed under: Silent Hill Graveyard Shift20 MORE LISTS Get Out, Stay Out Real places in the physical world that you should avoid at all costs, lest you never come back (alive). What May Have Actually Happened At The Amityville House Kitum Cave, Called 'The Cave Of Death,' Is ...
who heads to the fog and smoke covered city of Silent Hill after receiving a letter from his late wife. Instead of screaming and running for his life as any good horror fan knows he should, James pushes ever onward through the city, frequently crossing paths with Maria, a woman that resem...
↑Book of Lost Memories,Book of Lost Memories,Dad's Notebook,Book of Lost Memories,Lost Memories (Silent Hill 3) ↑ Hill Guidebook ↑Book of Memories v·e·d Silent Hill: Origins v·e·d Silent Hill v·e·d
a good idea/good cast but not enough good laughs One word describes this movie: predictable. Unlike other Brooks movies, where a wacky scene, joke, etc. comes out of nowhere, in Silent Movie you kinda know what is gonna happen next in virtually every scene, eliminating a lot of hearty ...
One of its tributaries, the Saône, flows into it in Lyon, as well, and a section of the city lies between the two rivers. The commune of Caluire-et-Cuire is on a hill just to the north of Lyon, also between the Saône and the Rhône, and the track that passes beneath it ...
James Sunderland is the protagonist of Silent Hill 2. As the game begins, James remarks that his wife, Mary Shepherd-Sunderland, has been dead for three years. Regardless, he has received a mysterious letter in Mary's handwriting, claiming that she is wa
Dissecting the complex narratives of games like Silent Hill and Siren is part of their appeal, and I can’t wait to do that with Slitterhead once the whole game is out. Possessed to play more One thing I did get a clear grasp on during my playtime is that Slitterhead is much more...