Sabina Lissits aEster Zychlinski bMaya Kagan b
G.I. Generation (1900-1924), the Silent Generation (1925-1945), the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1979), the Millennials or Generation Y or the Net Generation (1980-2000) 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 702 作者: B Coombes,Generation Z (present (mccrindle 年份:...
For example, results show that gender and racial disparities in vehicle travel are narrower among the Baby Boomers than they were among the Silent Generation, while retirement and having a college degree have a stronger relationship with vehicle travel among Boomers. Results show the necessity of ...
People are living longer and the two generations that currently make up the Baby Boomers and the Silent generation, have characteristics particular to their age cohort. This study sought to understand these characteristics in older workers as they pertain to work. Of the financial, organizational, ...
Baby boomers had more depressive symptoms, higher levels of anxiety, lower levels of B-type natriuretic peptide, and higher number living in the same house than those in the silent generation (allP<.05). Lower percentages of baby boomers were Whites and unemployed compared to the silent ...
Baby boomers are aging, and their health is an important concern. Research has suggested that (1) aging boomers are more vulnerable to mental and physical health problems than their parents' generation; (2) adoption of healthy lifestyles is critically important for the health of the aging ...
Generational tension among nurses: Baby-boomers and generation X-ers: The silent treatment doesn't work. Am J Nurs 2002;102:11.Santos, S. (2002). Generational tensions among nurses: Baby-boomer and generation X-ers: The silent treatment doesn't work. American Journal of Nursing, 102 (...
The objective of the current research is to conduct a systematic study of the time engagement behaviors of five American generations: the GI Generation (birth year: 1901–1924), the Silent Generation (birth year: 1925–1943), Baby Boomers (birth year: 1944–1964), Generation X (birth year:...
Work and Retirement Patterns for the G.I. Generation, Silent Generation, and Early Boomers: Thirty Years of Changedoi:10.2139/ssrn.1635829This study examines how the shifting choices and constraints facing older workers have changed work and retirement patterns over the past 30 years. Health impro...
Religious Attendance, Healthy Lifestyles, and Perceived Health: A Comparison of Baby Boomers with the Silent Generationdoi:10.1007/s10943-018-0736-6Anyuan ShenSpringer US