Based on real events, this film depicts the story of a school for the hearing-impaired where young deaf students were sexually assaulted by the faculty members over a long period of time. Read more: Plot summary | Synopsis Director Hwang Dong-hyuk Writers Ji-young Gong (based upon the...
‘Shtisel’ Banner Yes Studios Boards ‘Unsilenced,’ A Series on True Story of Sexual Violence in Political World (Exclusive) 21 marVariety Film + TV Contribuisci a questa pagina Suggerisci una modifica o aggiungi i contenuti mancanti ...
" when he has a question or comment, his way of raising his hand. During a screenwriting class this semester, he contributes to a discussion on the movie "The Social Network." "I loved it because I found it ironic that a guy who was socially inept started a social network," Ben says...