The Silence of the Lambs: Directed by Jonathan Demme. With Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Ted Levine. A young F.B.I. cadet must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help catch another serial killer, a madma
In a famous as well as infamous scene fromThe Silence of the Lambs, Buffalo Bill primps in front of a mirror and dances to Q Lazzarus’s “Goodbye Horses” as he tucks his penis between his legs so as to envision himself as a woman. Demme and Levine allow Buffalo Bill to be pitiful,...
The opening scene, which according to Demme was suggested and created by Foster herself, does an excellent job of symbolically conveying this sexism. The film begins with a women running (seemingly from something - her past? A male-dominated profession?) alone through the woods. She hurdles obs...
The Silence of the Lambs is a suspenseful movie about a serial killer nicknamed “Buffalo Bill” and the lengths a student FBI agent will go to catch him. Clarice Starling, played by Jodi Foster, is a rising star in the FBI academy given the task of interviewing Dr. Hannibal Lector, play...