Forget the cultural staples, the straightjackets, the lotion in the basket, the fava beans and the nice Chianti. From a purely historical standpoint,The Silence of the Lambswill forever stand out for two amazing achievements. The first is its place as one of only three films to ever sweep ...
She's soaking wet, in an orange jumpsuit, and holds a squeeze bottle of skin lotion. She struggles to sound calm. CATHERINE Mister... my family will pay cash. What- ever ransom you're askin' for, they - REVERSE ANGLE - UP TOWARDS MR. GUMB MR. GUMB Rub it in! Or you'll get ...
If you look closely at the picture of the death'shead moth on the cover of the movie box (or laserdisc case) the skull is actually made up of naked women, symbolically representing the antagonist's victims. Pictures and Videos this is the paiting by salvador dali. this is what the skul...
Guys: If You Want to Put the Lotion in the Basket, Don't Talk Like This I used to have this boyfriend who would get totally creeped out -- and rightfully so -- when I would randomly quoteSilenceof theLamb'sBuffalo Bill(played by the awesomeTed Levine) at completely inappropriate times...
and skinned by Bill. It's a hair-raising thriller that has kept countless millions on the edges of their seats and permeated the pop lexicon with delightfully creepy quotes like "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti" and of course "It places the lotion in the basket...