Problematizing Silence, Practicing Dissent: Engaging Preservice Teachers in a Critique of the Current Political TimesThis article recounts our efforts as three critical teacher educators to respond to the postelection aftermath at an Hispanic-serving institution by organizing a conference aimed at re(...
“Breaking the silence” and “speaking the unspeakable” are central topoi of cultural critique, even as feminist theory or research on cultural memory, for instance, insist that the complexities of sexuality, violence, pain, and trauma resist representation. Drawing on work on sexual violence and...
Problematizing Silence, Practicing Dissent: Engaging Preservice Teachers in a Critique of the Current Political TimesThe current accountability conversation in teacher education is the direct result of the policy paradigms that shape our understandings of schooling and reform. The authors present cases ...
Problematizing Silence, Practicing Dissent: Engaging Preservice Teachers in a Critique of the Current Political TimesThis article recounts our efforts as three critical teacher educators to respond to the postelection aftermath at an Hispanic-serving institution by organizing a conference aimed at re(...