Silence Becomes You: Directed by Stephanie Sinclaire. With Alicia Silverstone, Sienna Guillory, Joe Anderson, Leigh Lawson. The tale of two sisters, bound by more than blood, who bring home a man on a dare, only to see the situation spiral out of control
Violet and Luke engage in an intimate relationship and eventually attempt to leave the mansion, only to find themselves trapped.The movie also shows both girls' strange, maybe even sexual, relationship with their father. As Violet and Luke become closer, Grace becomes jealous and seduces Luke in...
>沉默是你 silence becomes you 原名: silence becomes you 片长: 88 分钟 制片国家/地区: 英国/立陶宛 导演: Stephanie Sinclaire 上映日期: 2005-12-13 又名: 沉默是你 imdb编号: tt0359984 类型: 剧情, 奇幻, 爱情, 惊悚 简体中文名: 沉默是你 语言: 英语 主演: Alicia Silverstone / Thora Birch / ...
《沉默是你 silence becomes you》于2005-12-13上映。是由Stephanie Sinclaire执导, 演员Alicia Silverstone, Thora Birch, Sienna Guillory主演的《沉默是你 silence becomes you》是一部剧情, 爱情, 惊悚, 奇幻类型电影。 Two strange sisters, Grace and Violet, bound together by more than blood, live in a...
Silence becomes you. 这篇影评可能有剧透 神秘的魅惑,使蓝色眼睛的男子身陷未知境遇。音乐时而诡异,时而俏皮。故事前行。外面世界的任何东西都不值得拥有。所以她们沉醉于自己的记忆,被围困在自己的城堡。所以格里斯抱紧自己,进入与父亲共舞的幻觉。可是维奥利特决定让他爱上自己。可是小偷路克愤怒而惊诧。I don’t ...
沉默是你 silence becomes you 分类:剧情片电影,爱情片电影,惊悚片电影,奇幻片电影 Two strange sisters, Grace and Violet, bound together by more than blood, live inalarge mansion, A Man Called Sloane 分类: a so-called archive 分类:纪录片电影 ...
it never becomes dull or depressing, thanks in part to large cast of characters whose nuanced portrayals strike a chord of truth terrifyingly so for any parent. Even though the conclusion isn’t exactly overpowering, the journey is remarkably nuanced and compelling and most certainly an uncomfortab...
The real point of this movie is to be a horror film and nothing more. After the first few (poor) scenes, this movie does one of two things: keep you waiting to jump or trying to make you jump. From the rest of the audience's reactions, I'd say it did a pretty good job at ...
It makes the tension all the more real because your mind just keeps racing, you don't know how much more gruesome it would get. Odd to say this but it sort of becomes a point of anticipation, it's as if every other half-hour or so, you know some Christians are going to get ...
Tensions quickly escalate as the attacks escalate, as father and daughter face not only the brutality of military dogs, but also the collapse of the bridge infrastructure. Every passing moment becomes a test of their resilience, as they discover that the fog is not the only threat, but that ...