为了介绍安全完整性等级,还需要明确如下几个术语: 受控设备(Equipment Under Control,EUC):是指用于制造业、流程工业、运输业、制药业或其他行业的设备、机器、装置或成套设备; 功能安全(Functional Safety):整体安全中与受控设备和受控设备控制系统相关的部分,它取决于电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统和其他风险降低措...
Silaging equipmentCoolent is passed through the source of heat which has an output decreasing with time, then to a steam generator. The steam produced is passed to an air cooled condenser and the condensate is returned to the steam generator. The novel feature of the proposal is the addition...
SIL 评估对象是受保护设备(Equipment UnderControl, EUC)的安全防护系统, 即安全仪表系统。其他的安全防护措施作为 SIL 等级的影响因子, 也在SIL 评估的范围之内。SIL 评估的思路是首先确定受保护单元及其控制参数, 然后在不考虑 SIS 的情况下,确定控制参数所需的 SIL 等级, 之后 , 再对该控制参数现有 SIS 系统...
受控设备(Equipment UnderControl,EUC):是指用于制造业、流程工业、运输业、制药业或其他行业的设备、机器、装置或成套设备; 功能安全(FunctionalSafety):整体安全中与受控设备和受控设备控制系统相关的部分,它取决于电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统和其他风险降低措施正确执行其功能; 安全状态(Safe State):达到安全时...
s of Deployment.]]>An examination of the discrepancy between typical failure rate values declared on SIL certificates and those reported in generic field databases. The allocation of the difference to an attribute here named deployment on the basis of identified equipment vulnerability categories....
type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals备注:1,由A1 模式改变为A2模式增加了认证机构的随机检验的要求,认证机构可以在生产流程过程中z执行随机抽检。2,由B和B1模式改变为B模式包含 EN15085焊接认证...
在购买前请先检查兼容性.经常一起购买的商品 本商品: Breville BFP660SIL 食品处理器,均码,银色 US$298.99US$298.99 + Vitamix 系列搅拌机 US$424.95US$424.95 总价: US$723.94US$723.94 将两件商品都加入购物车
1:概念阶段 The concept phase consists of the following activities:本阶段包括下列事项:•Inspection and review of the Safety Plan and Verification and Validation Plan (V&V Plan) for compliance with the requirements of IEC 61508 and IEC 61513 依据IEC 61508及IEC61513的要求,针对安全计划和V&V计划进行...
SIL On Sale Stage Light Dj Stand Truss System Easy to Set Up Aluminum Global Spigot Truss Equipment Dj Stand Truss $25.00 - $36.00 Min. order: 2 meters Aluminum Alloy Lifting Stand Truss System tl 650 Indoor Upright Line Array Speaker Lift Truss Stand Tower for Outdoor Concert $35.00 - $...
safety inspection of the enterprise.After the SIL check and analysis, the SIL grade result and its PFD value are obtained, and by comparing whether it is within the specified range, the periodic inspection of the safety environment and the field instruments, valves, and other equipment of the ...