1) "Siku Quanshu Huiyao" 《四库全书荟要》 1. On Literature Characteristics of"Siku Quanshu Huiyao"; 评《四库全书荟要》的文献特色 2) The Cream of Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature 四库全书荟要 3) four 四 4) tetra- ...
The compilation of Siku Quanshu Zongmu is a complicated process,so the summary of Elements in Zongmu should not be regarded as Dai-Zhen’swork rashly. 《四库全书总目》的编撰是一个十分复杂的过程 ,不能轻易地把其中的《〈几何原本〉提要》当做戴震的著作 ;戴震以传统算学为框架 ,融会西方算学的...