Sikhismus 添加到生词本德汉-汉德词典 m锡克例句:Was ist Sikhismus?锡克是什么?近义词 近义词:Konfession 联想词 Hinduismus印度;Buddhismus佛;Hindus印度徒;Islam伊,回;Religionen;宗;信仰;Religion宗;Christentum基督,基督信仰;Spiritualität灵性;Judentum犹太文化;Goa果阿;Kerala喀拉拉邦;...
Sikh Sikhism Uskonto Muokkaa kuvaa Museo Matkailu Muokkaa kuvaa Guru Nanak Sikh Sikhism Muokkaa kuvaa Temppeli Kultainen Muokkaa kuvaa Sikh Turbaani Muokkaa kuvaa Sardar Sardarji Muokkaa kuvaa Siluetti Musta Uskonto Muokkaa kuvaa Uskonto Ahimsa Muokkaa kuvaa Sikh Uskonto Sikhism Muokkaa kuvaa Golden ...
In the history of Sikhism it has been firmly established that the Khatri caste played a significant role in the development of the medieval Sikh community. Moreover, the Khatris in the Mughal period grew into a prominent commercial and scribal caste. However it has never been considered why ...
Book Review: Doris R. Jakobsh (ed.), Sikhism and Women: History, Text and Experience.a critical exploration of chequered debates on gender in Sikh studies, primarily in the west,bringing to the fore the conventions, complexities and contradictions Another important elementof the debate is the ...
Intersectionality, Sikhism, and Black feminist legal theory: Reconceptualizing Sikh precarity and minoritization in the US and IndiaIntersectionality was developed by legal scholar Kimberl茅 Williams Crenshaw in the late 1980s to broaden legal and epistemological frameworks for peoples at the intersection ...