The Sikh religion today has a following of over 20 million people worldwide and is ranked as the worlds 5th largest religion. It is traditionally known as the Gurmat (which literally means to "have your face towards the guru").Sikhism originated from the word Sikh which means 'disciple'. ...
Guru Nanak challenged this concept and said that there is only one way leading towards God, and we are all required to walk this way irrespective of the religion we belong to or not. What is that one way? An attempt has been made in the following lines to explain and understand the ...
religion,faith,religious belief 联想词 Sikhs 克 ;Hinduism 教;Sikh克教教徒;Buddhism佛教;religion宗教信仰;Christianity基督教;Hindus 教徒;Punjab旁遮普;Judaism犹太教;Mormonism摩门教;Punjabi旁遮普省; 用户正在搜索 bufothionine,bufotoxin,bufovarin,bufrolin,bug,bugaboo,Buganda,bugantia,bugas,Bugatti, ...
Sikhism Beliefs The basic beliefs of the Sikh religion are as under:The chief purpose of religion is not to land in heaven, but attain oneness with the Supreme Creator through constant concentration on Him, without which the cycle of life and death does not terminate. The form of the Creator...
Sikhism [see-kiz-uhm] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the religion and practices of theSikhs. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofSikhism1 Sikh+-ism Discover More Example Sentences One of them later said they shot the Congress politician to avenge a military action she had ordered ...
美[ˈsikˌɪzəm] 释义 锡克教 实用场景例句 全部 Other religious groups include Christianity,Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhist and Zoroastrian. 其他的宗教团体包括了基督教 、 锡克教 、 耆那教 、 佛教和祆教. 互联网 英英释义 Noun 1. the doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India...
Sikhism "We are destined to die, as death is an essential part of the life-cycle." These words of Guru Tegh Bahadur (reigned 1664–1675 C.E.), the ninth of the ten Indian Gurus who founded Sikhism, typify the approach to death of Sikhs. Death for this religion's 20 million ...
Religion PhilosophyArguing that intellectual movements, such as deconstruction, postsecular theory, and political theology, have different implications for cultures and societies that live with the debilitating effects of past imperialisms, Arvind Mandair unsettles the politics of knowledge construction in ...
The meaning of SIKH is an adherent of a monotheistic religion of India founded about 1500 by Guru Nānak and marked by rejection of idolatry and caste.
There is limited material available in English on Sikh religion and its impact on economic growth. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the important issues mentioned above in the context of Sikh religion and their impact on economic growth. The emphasis is on education, ...