The Dilruba originates from the Taus and is the work of Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh designed and created the Dilruba which is Persian for 'heart stealer', the instrument itself has a wonderfully enchanting sound which takes away your heart in an instance. The Dilruba is a smaller a...
while Kamboh claim origin from Kambojas mentioned in Mahabharata. These castes were also recruited in the Royal Indian Army in the colonial period in large numbers and were considered good soldiers . All of these castes have
In Sikh beliefs, a concern for the environment is part of an integrated approach to life and nature. As all creation has the same origin and end, humans must have consciousness of their place in creation and their relationship with the rest of creation. Humans should conduct themselves through...
about it. A supremely intelligent Life Force of unknown origin created and sustains this wondrous miracle of life. This is what Sikhs refer to as God.""Sikh Dharma is a householders' path by which, with practice and by God's grace, one may be blessed with the virtue known as humility...
the bulk of the Sikh chieftains tended to be of Jat origin, a fact that drewdisparagingremarks from at least some contemporary writers, who spoke of them as Sudras (the lowest of the fourvarnas [social classes]). Thus, besides the states set up in other regions, such asBharatpur, the ...
Most other Buddhists in India follow Theravada Buddhism, the "Doctrine of the Elders," which traces its origin through Sri Lankan and Burmese traditions to scriptures in the Pali language, a Sanskritic dialect in eastern India. Although replete with miraculous events and legends, these scriptures ...