Hinduwebsite.com is the real Hindu Website in the original sense, providing information on all the Santana Dharmas that originated in the Indian Subcontinent. We provide unique and original resources on the beliefs, philosophy and essential practices of the following religions: Sanatana Dharma, kno...
How many Hindu deities (gods and goddesses) are there? 330 million What are the most popular Hindu deities? -Vishnu (appears in the avatars Rama and Krishna) -Shiva (Worshipped in the form as a long am or phallus) -Ganesha (an elephant-headed happy god of good fortune) ...
Hinduwebsite.com is the real Hindu Website in the original sense, providing information on all the Santana Dharmas that originated in the Indian Subcontinent. We provide unique and original resources on the beliefs, philosophy and essential practices of the following religions: Sanatana Dharma, kno...
Equality, All humans are equal, before God. No discrimination is allowed on a race, gender, origin, education, status, wealth, etc. The principles are equality and brotherhood those are important pillars of Sikhism. Personal rights, every person has a right to life, but this right is restric...