Learn about the Sikh beliefs, practices, reasons for the articles of faith, Sikh scripture, Sikh emblems, Sikh national anthem, Gurdwaras, Five Takhts, Sikh ceremonies, Sikh festivals, Sikh literature, Sikh saaj, philosophical, teachings and more....
There was tension between Hindus and Muslims whose religious beliefs are different and could not co-exist (Dhillon, 2006). The introduction of Sikhism created a synthesis between the two and the belief that we all worship one God. Guru Nanak preached the message of one God who dwells in all...
Sikh spirituality is centred around the need to understand and experience God, and eventually become one with God. To do this a person must switch the focus of their attention from themselves to God. The Mool Mantar ends with 'Gur Prasaadh', meaning 'by Guru's grace' as nothing happens w...
The fundamental beliefs of Sikhism build upon the core teachings that are articulated in Guru Granth Sahib that including the meditation and prayers in the name of one divine God, unity and equality of all mankind, engaging in selfless servings referred to as “Seva”, all honest conducts to ...
Sikhism is a religion which originated in India, in the Punjab region. It shares some similar beliefs to that of Buddhism and Hinduism, including karma and liberation, though these concepts are tied back to God's grace. It is the world's 5th largest religion, and is based on the ...
In the world God has created he has also provided each species and humans with means of support and nurturing. In Sikh beliefs, a concern for the environment is part of an integrated approach to life and nature. As all creation has the same origin and end, humans must have consciousness ...
Despite their recent numbers and century long history in the United States, many of their fellow Americans know relatively little about Sikhs, their history, and their faith. They are often confused by others in the United States as being Muslim, as their religious beliefs require Sikh men to...
iconoclast of myths and hollow rituals. He also deconstructed many beliefs from previous religions such as that the earth is standing on the bull's head. Instead, he provided more logical explanations that not only the earth but also the whole universe is run by God's rules called "hukam."...
What are the 5 key Sikh beliefs? God There is only one God. God is without form, or gender. Everyone has direct access to God. Everyone is equal before God. A good life is lived as part of a community, by living honestly and caring for others. ...
Sikh BeliefsOriginating in the Punjab, India, Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that follows the teachings of Guru Nanak and his ten successors. The holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, contains all the teachings of these gurus, and is now worshipped as a living guru in the place of a ...