Hari: Name for God, the creative aspect. 'Har' is the primal name/sound of the Creator. 'I' is the active aspect.Karma: The force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the ...
1. Remember the name of God at all times. 2. Earn an honest living as a householder. 3. Share a portion of your earnings with the less fortunate. Besides rejecting the Hindu caste system, idolatry, and ritualism, Guru Nanak preached universal equality. In consistence with his message of ...
NAMEMEANING AadiStarting, First, Sun God, Lord Shiva Aagyakarobedient AagyapalOne who maintains obedience AaryGod's Name, Lord Rama AarStar AasThe act of waiting,Having hope AashishBlessing AavaiArrive, To come AayuSpan of Life, Age ...
Aban Old Arabic Name Boy Arabic Abasah Daughter of al-Mahdi Girl Abay Talented Boy Turkish Abbas Description Of A Lion Boy Arabic Abbud Devoted Boy Arabic Abbudin Worshippers Boy Arabic Abd Slave, Servant Of God Boy Arabic Abd Al-Ala Slave of the High Boy Abda Slave Girl, A...
Fortunately for many of the non-Brown community of Sikhs and even within the greater SIkh diaspore, we were blessed to have a man of Spirit who guided us forward. His name was Harbhajan Singh, known to many as Yogiji or Yogi Bhajan. To me he's known as Siri Singh Sahib ji. His 35...
- BROWSE BY SHABADS - Quickly search through all the audio tracks in the SikhNet Play to find & listen to shabads by any name. - SETTINGS - Customize the Gurbani Lyrics that display for audio, as well as change the audio quality setting according to your internet connection speed. - CONTI...
Havelock Road is where the largest Sikh gurdwara in western Europe is cited and as part of its 550-year celebrations of the birth of Guru Nanak this year, we want to make this name change to Havelock Road to Guru Nanak Road...Read More Melbourne Nanaksar Taath Gurdwara on fir pdfYour ...
Sikhism believes in one God as ‘Wahe Guru’ or Ek-Omkar, timeless, eternal and Karta Purukh.—‘Wahe Guru’ is a name which includes Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Jesus Christ, Moses, and all other gods. ...
Our real name. Our real existence. What I see myself as today, “a 38-year-old woman, Sikh, grew up in South Jersey, loves to read, likes chocolate, etc.” is a very temporary thing that will change as I age, or vanish as soon as my breath leaves my body. But beyond these ...
To the rhythm of theName. On every side the world will pull; They want you to join them in their fog. It took you millions of lives to arrive; What do you care for the barking of dogs? The one who stands alone in the fray ...