3件单价¥308.67 ¥338 满888元减88 满1888元减188 满188包邮 查看优惠 TCM Si Jun Zi Tang(SiJunZiTang) 分享 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:6元起 服务收货后结算 商品评价 暂无评价 菲妈笔记 四君子汤 温而不燥,补而不峻 #掌柜说
( sijunzitang ) 别名:白术汤 四君子汤《宋·太平惠民和剂局方》 主治:治荣卫气虚,脏腑怯弱,心腹胀满,全不思食,肠鸣泄泻,呕哕吐逆,大宜服之。 常服温和脾胃,进益饮食,辟寒邪瘴雾气。 处方:人参(去芦)、甘草(炙)、茯苓(去皮)、白术,各等分。
音频列表 1 xiaoyaosan 392020-09 2 sijunzitang 392020-09 3 siwutang 472020-09 4 ru5 762020-09 5 ru4 432020-09 6 ru3 452020-09 7 da1 512020-09 8 ru2 472020-09 9 ru1 232020-09 10 lunyu节选 932020-08 查看更多 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑...
1) Sijunzitang 四君子汤加味 1. Research 87 patients on clinical effect ofSijunzitangon chronic erosive gastritis 四君子汤加味治疗慢性糜烂性胃炎87例临床观察 更多例句>> 2) Jiawei Sijunzi decoction 加味四君子汤 1. Changes of Gut Peptides and Electric Mechanical Activity of Ileum and Effect of ...
The aim of this paper was to clarify the prevention and cure mechanism of sijunzitang on E. coli-induced diarrhea. 本试验主要探讨四君子汤煎剂防治小鼠大肠杆菌性腹泻的作用机制。 www.fabiao.net 2. Clinical Observation of Treating Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver with Modified Sijunzitang 四君子汤加味治疗...
1.《洪氏集验方》四君子丸 本方由砂仁、乌梅、陈皮、大枣、诃子构成。功能健胃消食。主治停积中脘,受食不化,呕吐恶心。 2.《素问病机气宜保命集》四君子汤 本方由人参、白术、黄芪、茯苓构成。功能益气健脾。主治中气虚弱,肺损而皮毛聚落。 四君子汤 (四君子丸)附方 ...
四君子汤,是人参、白术、茯苓、甘草四味基本中草药为主的古方剂,主治脾胃气虚。该方为治疗脾胃气虚证的基础方,后世众多补脾益气方剂。 四君子汤,用于脾胃气虚证。本方亦是补气的基本方。临床应用时以面色萎白,食少神倦,四肢乏力,舌淡苔白,脉虚弱为使用依据。四君子汤是人参、白术、茯苓、甘草四味基本中草药为...
1) Sijunzitang category formula 四君子汤类方 2) SiJunZi Decoction 四君子汤 1. Effect of Sijunzi Decoction and enteral nutrition on T-cell subsets and nutritional status in patients with gastric cancer after operation:A randomized controlled trial; ...
[Objective] Sijunzitang combined conventional radiotherapy for esophageal cancer. [Methods] Random parallel control method,80 inpatients and outpatients were randomly divided into two groups. Conventional radiotherapy control group of 40 patients. Treatment group of 40 patients Sijunzitang(Renshen to Lo 10...
serious adverse reaction rate was 42.22%.The treatment group the incidence of serious adverse events was significantly lower than control group(P 0.01).[Conclusion]Sijunzitang joint Assertion gastrointestinal side effects of chemotherapy for lung cancer would significantly ease the side effects of ...