函数就是函数了,怎么会是守护进程? 这是个系统调用了,你自己定义一个信号处理的函数,然后把这个函数通过signal告诉系统,以后产生信号的时候,系统就会调用你定义的信号处理函数来处理。
The fix for this was to simply install the default interrupt signal handler on any signal the async event loop requested handled, so that they would no longer cause the program to terminate and instead be forwarded tosignal.set_wakeup_fd. ...
https://github.com/krallin/tini I think if you only have a single process, all you need to do is explicitly handle the signal with a signal handler, which bash doesn't do for you. Using the ["node", "."] syntax, you could use https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#pro...
However, the default action for SIGHUP terminates the process before the scripted SIGTERM handler can be executed. After implementing a SIGHUP handler or setting the SIGHUP handler to SIG_IGN the SIGTERM handler should just execute fine during shutdown. This example script demons...
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/models/taskinstance.py", line 1237, in signal_handler raise AirflowException("Task received SIGTERM signal") airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: Task received SIGTERM signal [2022-01-26 00:51:51,249] {connection.py:499} INFO - closed ...
这样进程在运行的时候,一旦接收到信号,就不会再去执行内核中的缺省代码,而是会执行通过 signal() 注册的 handler。忽略就是通过 signal() 这个系统调用,为这个信号注册一个特殊的 handler,也就是 SIG_IGN。在程序运行的时候,如果收到 SIGTERM 信号,什么反应也没有,就像完全没有收到这个信号一样。
This is also a good solution if your child is running in a different process group as the handler will let you forward the signal to the child. Limitation is that other members of the group will also receive the signal, which might be a problem or not depending on the scenario. Share ...
Yes, we haveWait-Process, but just likeStart-Process -WaitandReceive-Job -Waitexist - despite the existence of the dedicatedWait-ProcessandWait-Jobcmdlets - implementing-WaitonStop-Processwould be aconvenienceswitch to make thetypicaluse case easier to implement; more fine-grained waiting - notabl...