Therefore, a function such as signum is not necessary in MATLAB. Quick Question! Determine what the following function accomplishes: xxx.m function logresult = xxx(vec) % QQ for you − what does this do? logresult = logical(0); i = 1; while i <= length(vec) && logresult == 0...
The signum function is a common mathematical function, which has the following definition : If x => 0, its value is 1, if x < 0 its value is -1. Given the value of x, implement the signum function. Solve Solution Stats 100.0% Correct | 0.0% Incorrect ...
The magnitude and phase representation of Fourier transform of the Signum function −Magnitude,|X(ω)|=0+(2ω)2−−−−−−−−−√=2ω;forallωMagnitude,|X(ω)|=0+(2ω)2=2ω;forallωPhase,∠X(ω)={π2;forω<0 −π2;forω>0Phase,∠X(ω)={π2;forω<0 ...