1. Says things to upset or frighten you. Maybe you are tender-hearted, sensitive, or easily upset. Your abusive partner has found your Achilles heel and is playing you for all it’s worth. If you don’t obey, go along, or toe the line, your partner is going to threaten and scare...
Vixendaily.comis theonlysite out there that specializes in mind-reading quizzes, content and advice tailored to your particular needs. It’s like having your own personal mentor guiding you through life’s challenges every step of the way! Founded by dating and relationship expert, Nick Bastion...
Another sign that a woman is attracted to you sexually is curiosity about your romantic life and history. She might want to know everything–from your first kiss to your biggest heartbreak. She’ll be interested in seeing photographs of your exes and mightask personal questionsabout your relatio...